
Beauty and Job Accessibility: New Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Weiguang Deng and Dong Zhou). [PDF]
Journal of Population Economics, 33, 1303-1341 (2020).

Working Papers

Additive Representation under Idempotent Attention. (Job Market Paper, Conditionally Accepted at Theory and Decision) [PDF] [Online Appendix]

  • Abstract: This paper explores a scenario where a decision maker evaluates menus by adding up the utility of the options that attract her attention. We introduce a novel attention rule called the “idempotent attention rule” and examine additive representations under this rule. By utilizing idempotent attention rules, we are able to narrow our focus to a subset of menus to reveal both attention rules and utility functions. As a generalization of attention filters, this rule sheds light on how alternatives interact in forming attention.

Satisficing under Limited Attention. [PDF]

  • Abstract: Satisficing choice pattern has been accused of a lack of cognitive ability in perceiving and analyzing alternatives. In an effort to disentangle the limitations of noticing alternatives from other factors, this paper proposes a model of satisficing under limited attention. Our focus centers on the idempotent attention rules, leading to Satisficing under Idempotent Attention (SIA). Our study provides a characterization of SIA as well as a discussion of revealed attention and preference practices. Notably, these outcomes stem from choices made on a subset of menus. The revealed attention and preference, however, remain inherently non-unique. Additionally, considering the idempotent nature of attention filters and competition filters, we also present distinctive characterizations of satisficing under these two attention rules.

Attention Formation: Triggers and Blockers. (Preliminary draft available upon request )

  • Abstract: Attention has long been acknowledged as pliable and context-dependent. This paper investigates choices under limited attention where attention is formed by interaction between alternatives. Specifically, given a choice problem, the presence of an alternative can hinder or stimulate the attention of other options. An alternative captures the DM’s attention when the stimulating effects outweigh the hindering effects. This characterization also provides valuable insights into the concept of signed orders within the decision-making process.